Tuesday, June 1, 2010

blog 7

Choice C: So far, is this a novel about race? Class? Gender? Coming of Age? Place? Select and defend your answer

I think this novel is more about race and class because the Negroes have their own church and when Calpurnia took Scout and Jem the Negroes were looking at them and they were talking about them also when aunt Alexandria found out she got mad because she said that they could have killed Jem and Scout. Also aunt Alexandria wanted to fire Calpurnia. It's also about class because when Tom went up to the stand he said he felt bad for the Ewell's because the Negros were higher then them. Also Aunt Alexandria thinks that Atticus shouldn't be defending Tom because he is black and she thinks that the Fiche's shouldn't be seen with someone lower.

Blogg number 6

B. Compare and contrast yourself to either Scout or Jem at their age. Compare and contrast your summer activities, friends, relationships with your dad, siblings, and adults.

I will compare myself to Scout. Somethings we have in common would be that were both girls and I have alot of guy cousins. When i was little my cousins would have me play soccer and football because i have no other chose but to hang out with them. Now since I'm older I don't really Play with them and I hang out Whit my mom. But now if i have to play soccer or football I don't mind because I know how to play. Also like scout I have a brother and we get along well but he is six years old and I'm 13 years old. Even though there is a big age difference i still try and play with him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Journal #4
Chapters 10, 11,
Perspective: Scout

Well today i called my dad boring because he doesn't do any stuff like my friends dad do. He likes to read allot and not play poker like other dad's and he doesn't like to shoot anything. But Today i learned something new about him. I learned that they call him One shot. Because He was really good at shooting. The reason i learned that today is because me and Jem were walking out side and we saw a dog it looked really wired and sick so we went to tell Calipurnia about it she thought it would be a waste of time but she still came. When she saw the dog she told us to go inside and not come out she said the dog was a mad dog. she was calling everyone and telling them not to go out side because their was a mad dog. Atticus got here and Mr. Heck told my dad to shoot the dog but my dad said he couldn't because he hasn't done it in three years. But he still did it i was really surprised when he did it because he had really good aim. Later on Jem told me not to tell kid's at my school or to ask Atticus why he never told us. But i think Atticus didn't want to tell us because it would have been a bad influence or because he his a Lawyer and it wouldn't look good on a Lawyer

Journal #4
Chapters 12-14
Perspective: Aunt Alexandria

I found out that Calpurnia took Jem and Scout to a Nigger church i don't think they were ECCLESIASTICAL it's right because something bad could have happened to them they could have gotten killed but obviously Calpurnia doesn't see that. I told scout to talk to one of her cousins and she didn't even know they were cousins. I was really mad so when Atticus got her i EMERGE to him i told him that they shoul be proud of the Finch family because we have a reputation. And i don't want some little kids to destroy that. So i told him to talk to Scout about it but she started to cry. And Atticus said sorry. Scout wants to find out what rape is and she keeps asking. I tried getting ride of Calpurnia i think she is a bad example for the kids. I ANTAGONIZE Calpurnia

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Journal #3-
Chapters 8 & 9
Perspective: Atticus

Miss Maudie’s house was burning in the night so I woke Scout and Jem up to go out side. When they were laying down Half asleep someone put a blanket over.When I asked her about it she didn't know who put it over her.Jem said that Boo Radley put it on her, and he reveals the whole story of the knothole. I told him to keep it to him self and not tell anyone. The next day i noticed Miss Maudie happy she said she hated her old house and that she was planing on building a smaller house to make room for her plants. She said she wished she was their when Boo Radley put the Blanket on Scout.