Thursday, February 18, 2010

2nd blog

NAME: Arian Juarez DATE: 2/18/10
BOOK: Maniac magee
AUTHOR: Jerry Spinelli PAGES 1- 64

3. What does this book make you wonder about? Why?
This book makes me wonder about maniac if he is going to be successful in life and if he is going to have a good work. The reason I'm wondering this is because he hasn't met some people that are very successful in life and I'm wondering if he is going to follow those steps.

19. What in the book upsets you or bothers you? Why?

What made me upset about this book is were he had to go live with his aunt and uncle because his parents die. I got upset when the author said that his aunt and uncle hate each other and cant share anything and that they have to buy every thing twice because they hated each other so much. Also that they couldn't get a divorce because they were catholic and that religion says that they could get a divorce. I think every one should be avall to get a divorce because it might get to the point were someone kills another person just becsue they arent happy with each other.