Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1st Blog

NAME: Arian Juarez DATE 2/18/10
BOOK: Maniac Magee
AUTHORJerry Spinelli

PAGES 1-64

18. What has surprised you in the book? Why?
In this book i have been surprised by this book when they actually made a song out of mainiac magee. I think that's really mean because i would never want people to make a mean song out of me. It also surprised me were he said that his parents died in a train crash and he had to move in with his aunt. And his aunt and uncle hate each other but they are catholic so they have to stay together.

12. Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?
Yes, i would read another book by this author. I'm pretty sure that if I saw another book that had the same author it would catch my eye, like this one did. In this book i like the way the author choose the character and the characteristics. The Characters were really interesting and hopefully all the books he has made have a interesting charecter.